
brain health Blog

Proactive Brain Health for Seniors

By roger | Apr 28 2017

We’ve all heard that the mind is a terrible thing to waste, most likely from our parents or a schoolteacher trying to persuade us into […]

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senior care plan Blog

Laying the Foundation: Creating Your Plan for Senior Care

By roger | Mar 16 2017

For any adult nearing retirement age, it’s never too soon to discuss a senior care plan. While we would all like to imagine retirement life […]

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Benefits of Embracing Humor as a Caregiver

By roger | Feb 10 2017

When we think about caring for an ill or aging loved one, humor and laughter are not words that typically come to mind. Rather, we […]

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Tips for Encouraging Independence in Your Aging Loved One

By roger | Dec 23 2016

We all want our parents to live as independently as possible for as long as possible. Yet, even when your loved one is in full […]

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How to Encourage Independence in Your Aging Loved One

By roger | Dec 21 2016

We all want our parents to live as independently as possible for as long as possible. Yet, even when your loved one is in full […]

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How to Maintain a High-Nutrient Diet for A Loved One with Dementia

By roger | Nov 11 2016

For those living with a progressive cognitive disease like dementia, it can be difficult to maintain a diet that gives them the nutrients they need […]

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Keeping Your Diabetes Under Control: Simple Steps with Diet & Exercise

By roger | Oct 7 2016

One of the most commonly misunderstood lifestyle changes among diabetics is their diet. Myths abound claiming they need to cut out sugar and carbs completely; […]

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Beyond Normal Aging: Knowing the Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

By roger | Aug 10 2016

It’s a sad fact that so many signs of Alzheimer’s disease are left undiagnosed because the symptoms of memory loss are often misjudged as a […]

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Tips for Supporting Independence and Dignity: When Moving to Assisted Living is Helpful

By roger | Jun 9 2016

For aging loved ones, living on their own can come with risks and limitations that ultimately take away from their personal independence and dignity. When […]

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