Mental Health


Tips for Combatting Depression in Those with Dementia

By roger | Oct 28 2016

Out of the estimated 5.4 million people with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, approximately forty percent suffer from depression and its debilitating symptoms. […]

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Dementia & Depression: How to Combat the Difficult Combination

By roger | Oct 28 2016

For those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, the chances of experiencing depression are significantly higher than their cognitively healthy peers. Out […]

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Danger & Dementia: Keeping Your Spouse Safe Through Challenging Behaviors

By roger | Sep 30 2016

In the middle and later stages of dementia, symptoms often develop beyond occurrences of mild memory loss, confusion and cognitive difficulties into behaviors that are […]

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Tips on Anticipating Caregiving’s Effects on Your Life

By roger | Sep 16 2016

It doesn’t come as much surprise that caring for the health and well-being of another person affects almost every aspect of your life. You will […]

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Tips on Social Benefits for Seniors

By roger | Apr 14 2016

For many older adults, the opportunities for social activities often diminish along with health and energy. A lack of connection with others can lead to […]

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