

Tips on Coordinating a Team for Your Loved One’s Care

By roger | Oct 25 2016

Providing full-time care for an aging parent or loved one is not easy to do without help. Especially if that loved one has a chronic […]

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It Takes a Village: Coordinating a Team for Your Loved One’s Care

By roger | Oct 21 2016

The phrase, “it takes a village,” is often used in reference to raising children. It implies that rearing a child is so complex a task […]

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Tips for Keeping Your Spouse Safe Through Challenging Dementia-Related Behaviors

By roger | Sep 30 2016

If you’re caring for a spouse in mid- to late-stage dementia, you can prioritize their safety by learning about and managing the most challenging behaviors […]

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Turning Life into a Celebration for Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s

By roger | Sep 23 2016

After an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, the last thing to cross a family member’s mind is celebration. However, as many individuals and families have discovered, one effective […]

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Tips for Recognizing Caregiver Stress & Avoiding Depression and Burnout

By roger | Sep 1 2016

If you’re busy caring for a loved one, you may become so focused on providing care that it may be difficult to realize or admit […]

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Tips for Utilizing Respite Care: Benefits for Caregivers and Loved Ones

By roger | Aug 26 2016

When caring for a loved one becomes your top priority, everything else – catching up with friends, doing what brings you joy, caring for your […]

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Tips For Communicating With Loved Ones With Memory Loss

By roger | Aug 17 2016

Communication with a loved one who has memory loss is a bit different than communicating with someone who doesn’t. Small changes in speech patterns and […]

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Tips for Recognizing the Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

By roger | Aug 11 2016

With the increasing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in our population, it’s more important than ever to make families aware of early symptoms of this disease. […]

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Beyond Normal Aging: Knowing the Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

By roger | Aug 10 2016

It’s a sad fact that so many signs of Alzheimer’s disease are left undiagnosed because the symptoms of memory loss are often misjudged as a […]

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Tips for Families on Coping with Their Loved One’s Alzheimer’s

By roger | Aug 3 2016

Alzheimer’s disease affects everyone it comes in contact with, especially the close family members of a person with the disease. Families facing an Alzheimer’s diagnosis […]

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