

Tips on Dementia: A 360° View of Alzheimer’s Disease

By roger | Nov 30 2016

When a family member is diagnosed with dementia, the dynamics of life change for everyone who loves and cares for them. So how does a […]

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Dementia 360: A Complete View of Alzheimer’s Disease

By roger | Nov 29 2016

When a family member is diagnosed with dementia, the dynamics of life change for everyone who loves and cares for them. Unlike other physical conditions, […]

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Tips for Coping with Dementia-Related Sleep Problems

By roger | Nov 22 2016

Sleep problems are a common symptom of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, causing a person to be drowsy during the day, wake up at night […]

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Uncover the Causes & Coping Methods for Dementia-Related Sleep Problems

By roger | Nov 18 2016

As a caregiver of a loved one with dementia, getting enough sleep is crucial to staying healthy and energized in order to provide the care […]

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Tips for Maintaining a High-Nutrient Diet for a Loved One with Dementia

By roger | Nov 11 2016

For those living with a cognitive disease like dementia, it can be difficult to maintain a diet that gives them the nutrients they need to […]

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How to Maintain a High-Nutrient Diet for A Loved One with Dementia

By roger | Nov 11 2016

For those living with a progressive cognitive disease like dementia, it can be difficult to maintain a diet that gives them the nutrients they need […]

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Tips for Dementia & Driving: What to Do When Your Loved One Should Hang up the Keys

By roger | Nov 8 2016

Driving requires good judgment, quick decision-making and fast reaction time. Unfortunately, dementia gradually diminishes these abilities, making it hard or impossible for individuals with the […]

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Dementia & Driving: What to Do When Your Loved One Should Hang up the Keys

By roger | Nov 4 2016

When you’re caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, ensuring their safety is a top priority. Some safety measures, […]

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Tips for Combatting Depression in Those with Dementia

By roger | Oct 28 2016

Out of the estimated 5.4 million people with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, approximately forty percent suffer from depression and its debilitating symptoms. […]

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Dementia & Depression: How to Combat the Difficult Combination

By roger | Oct 28 2016

For those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, the chances of experiencing depression are significantly higher than their cognitively healthy peers. Out […]

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